The deadline to submit abstracts is Friday, December 6, 2024.
General Information
The Summit provides an excellent opportunity for sharing scholarship of multiple types: Clinical Vignettes, Research, and Innovations. Abstract reviewers will select the highest scoring submissions for oral presentation during the plenary session on March 7, 2025. Abstract decision notifications will be sent in January, inviting authors of these selected abstracts to prepare oral presentations. All other accepted abstracts will be presented in poster format during the poster reception on the evening of Thursday, March 7.
SPAQI awards free Summit registration and 1 night hotel stay to any medical student or resident who is the presenter of one of the three selected oral abstracts. Please contact [email protected] if you are selected for an oral presention and qualify for this.
Submission Site Information and Deadline
You will be able to submit your abstract in your online SPAQI account. The abstract size is limited to 300 words.
Eligibility: The Perioperative Medicine Summit is accepting abstract submissions in three categories:
Abstracts are eligible for submission if they have not been published in a peer-reviewed journal.
The three highest-rated abstracts will be selected for oral presentation during the main plenary session on the afternoon of Thursday, March 6. All other abstracts will be displayed during the poster reception on the evening of Thursday, March 6.
Only the submitting author will receive email communications regarding the abstract, and it is his/her responsibility to communicate any notifications with co-authors, to accept or decline the invitation to present the abstract, if applicable, and to withdraw the abstract, if applicable.
Statements of Disclosure
Conflict of Interest Policy
The Perioperative Medicine Summit and SPAQI promote improved patient care, teaching, and research in the field of perioperative medicine. We strive to ensure that these goals are met throughout our educational activities. All authors submitting abstracts are required to disclose any relationships with pharmaceutical companies, biomedical device manufacturers, or other organizations that could represent potential conflicts in their presentation. The submitting author is responsible for providing disclosure information for all co-authors. This requirement applies to currently existing relationships or relationships within the past year that relate to the abstract entry. The principal intent of this disclosure is not to prevent authors with a potential conflict from submitting an abstract or presenting their work. Rather, disclosure information will assist the abstract committee members in the review process.
The author submitting this abstract acknowledges that he/she and all coauthors have seen and agree with the following: the content of the abstract; responsibility for clinical trial data (if applicable); that the abstract has not been published in a peer-reviewed journal prior to submission. The disclosures are of financial interest in, or support from, or equity positions in, manufacturers of drugs, services, or products mentioned in the abstract; and trial registry information. Finally, all authors and co-authors acknowledge understanding that plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in withdrawal of the abstract and a thorough investigation that could result in prohibition from participation.
Abstract Categories
Research in Perioperative Medicine
Submissions can report clinical research, basic science research, or a systematic review of a clinical problem in perioperative medicine. Research abstracts concerned with the highlighted topic areas above, as well as efficiency, cost, or method of health care delivery methods and medical decision-making are also encouraged.
Abstracts submitted for the research category should adhere to the following headings:
Innovations in Perioperative Medicine
Authors who wish to describe an innovative program in perioperative medicine are encouraged to submit to this category. Innovations will primarily be descriptive, but they may also include preliminary data. A more rigorous evaluation of an innovative program should be submitted as a research abstract rather than as an innovation. For example, an innovation may describe a novel strategy for disseminating practice guidelines, whereas a research abstract may analyze its impact on outcomes. Please note that all innovation abstract submissions must report on an activity that has already been piloted or fully implemented in the healthcare setting. Ideas for innovations that are being planned but have not yet been implemented will not be reviewed. Any type of innovation may be submitted, including (but not limited to) critical pathway development and dissemination, medical education, faculty development, handheld computers, computerized medical records, billing and collections, patient safety interventions, communications, and teamwork with other care team members. For example, a description of a unique patient safety issue, the associated interventions, and root cause analysis resulting in systems-based modifications would be an innovation of interest to others in the field of perioperative medicine.
Abstracts submitted for the innovations category should adhere to these headings:
Perioperative Clinical Vignettes
A clinical vignette is a report of one or more cases that illustrate a new disease entity or a prominent or unusual clinical feature of an established disease, highlights an area of clinical controversy in perioperative medicine, or illustrates a unique patient safety issue. It may include a summary of pertinent patient history, physical findings, laboratory data, or management description. It should be clear from the discussion portion of the abstract why the vignette is most appropriate for perioperative medicine. Clinical vignettes will be judged on originality, organization, writing ability, and relevance to perioperative medicine.
Abstracts submitted for the clinical vignette category should adhere to these headings:
General Guidelines
Abstract length: The abstract limit is 300 words.
Tables and graphics: No more than 2 tables or graphics may be included with each submission.
Abbreviations, symbols, and nomenclature: Usage should conform as closely as possible to that recommended in the CBE Style Manual (6th edition, 1994), published by the Council of Biology Editors and available from CBE Secretariat, 9650 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD, 20814. Nonstandard abbreviations must be kept to a minimum and must be explained when used. Generic names of drugs are preferred: a propriety name may be given only with the first use of the generic name.
Units of measurement: Metric (SI), including those for height, length, mass (weight), and body temperature should be used. Measurements for substances of known, pure composition should be in millimoles/milliliter or millimoles/liter. For mixtures of substances where exact composition is not known, use grams/liter.
IRB or other research approval: If human or animal species were exposed to risks not required by their medical needs during the study included in the abstract, the author affirms that the study was approved by an appropriate committee. If no such committee was available and informed consent was needed, the author affirms that approval was obtained in accordance with the principles set forth in “The Institutional Guide to DHEW Policy on Protection of Human Subjects” and the “Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals,” published by the NIH.
Finalizing your abstract: Authors may return to the online system to edit abstracts, revise information, correct typographical errors, tables, and graphics, or to delete a submission at any time before the submission deadline. After your abstract is submitted, the system will not allow you to edit your abstract further and abstracts will be forwarded for the reviewing process. An author may not revise or resubmit an abstract in order to make changes or corrections after this deadline. The presenter will be expected to register for the meeting.